Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Pleasant Surprises!!!

Life many a times has been very good to me… Today was laden with too many sweet surprises…A row of them... all at one stretch…

Surprise1: Listening to the whimpers of “P’s” new-born over the fone…the chweet little voice was so refreshing… (This cutie would always be sound asleep whenever I called her up…)
Surprise2: The appreciation mail - for a job well done… (Was it my mail box??? Was the mail addressed to me??!! Yessss it was...)
Surprise3: A mail from “V” after 4 long months… (Where on earth were you all this while!!!?)
Surprise4: Long awaited call from “my bestest” buddy… (I just couldn’t believe as the number flashed on my cell)
Surprise5: “M” was there… right down at my office-reception waiting for ME… (I had to believe this time…Gosh…we were meeting after 18 long months)
Surprise6: The quick stroll and a couple of hours of sweet little nothing chit-chats, bhak-bhaks, haal-chaals and staring into each other’s face with longer moments of silence … (Good or bad...some things have never changed & we are still the same)
Surprise7: A gift neatly signed addressing this dear friend … (A treasure I would cherish for life…just for the signature it carries…)
Surprise8: The online-buzz from yet another good buddy as soon I logged in… (I have never seen this person online at this hour)
Surprise9: This one was really sweet…yes my favorite “Rasgollaas” right from Bengal… (Thanks to a friend who had returned from home)
Surprise10: A thought-provoking SMS from my dear-concerned-dad!!! (He always preferred to call up than typing things out...didn't he ???)

What else is in store for me today???!!!
I really really really don’t want this day to end!!!


Shobana Jayaraman Srikumar said...

am so so so happy for you. may you have double the amount of surprises from now on. luck and lots of it. am waiting to see you tom again.

Saki said...

Thanks a tonne shobz...

Every other sunrise is a surprise ;)

Shobana Jayaraman Srikumar said...

i want to see new post. soon. soon. faaaaast.
muah. >:D<

Ram Iyer said...

hmmm. i dont remember having so many surprises packed in one day.

wish i do sometime.
