Thursday, November 03, 2005

MOM – WOW!!!

How do you spell MOM?
Ans: WOW!
(Just turn the word MOM upside down and you get WOW!).

Mom… a cook, a laundress, a tutor, a home maker, a career woman, a great listener and my best friend… all at the same time! – No wonder she is my inspiration!!!

When I was a kid ("I am still one now!!")... I always complained that mom never had time for me after my little brother had come in. I always cribbed that she never loved me (just because, I never found a single picture of my toddler years, where mom held me in her arms…but every other snap would reveal that I had a luckier brother…)… I always accused her of pampering my brother when he got back home for his summer hols… (Little did I realize I enjoyed her warmth and care for 365 days a year)…and worst of all I thought scolding me was Mom's prime Time entertainment! ….

But as I grew up, I began to realize that a lot of what I am is in a way because of her. Mom instilled self confidence in me…she inculcated the “will power to rise after every fall”… she taught me never to give up in life… she gave me roots and wings... and taught me never to let go of my dreams and Follow my heart…

Amma… Thanks for being a super mom!!!

Get well soon!!
Many many many more happy returns!!
Happy B’day Amma !!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Dreamed to hold a Stethoscope & stepped into an Engineering College...
she said...I’m Practical
Aspired to pursue her masters & accepted the software MNC’s offer...
she said...I’m Practical
Loved one from the bottom of her heart & entered wedlock with another...
she said...I’m Practical
Promised to be with them in their old age & flew out to the land of opportunities ...
she said...I’m Practical
Yearned to get them back for one last time & they were all gone…
she said...impractical.

How practical can one be at all times…???!!! Isn’t it impractical to be practical at times…???!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

DREAMZZZ Unlimited

It all started after I read these lines….

Dream Big- If there was ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something worth doing, it is now. Not for any grand cause, necessarily-but for something that tugs at your heart, something that's your aspiration, something that's your dream. You owe it to yourself, to make your days here count. Have fun.

And I did realize "Living is not merely breathing – But doing, exploring, and experiencing the adventures of life." So Sang!!! Here’s a reminder of those numerous DREAMS that are caught inside that little box…

** To play western classical on my lil violin…???!!! (This strikes me every time I listen to the master piece from Schindler’s list)
** To learn a foreign lingo…???!!! (Now please English isn’t one)
** To live in that roof top guest house in Atakatti surrounded by the green pastures …(courtesy – Rayil Sneham) (Appa….please take ur transfer there :D…at least for a day)
** To ride on a horse-back…???!!!(Not that skimpy lil pony this time)
** To ride a Black Pulsar on ECR with the rain splashing on my face…???!!! (Any MCWG for that matter…)
** To drive/own a Black – Sonata Gold…???!!! (yippie!!! that came half true when I drove the black stratus Dodge)
** To find a job on wheels…???!!!(I wanna keep traveling around…ooops she loves a nomadic life)
** To get into the foodie business some day…Before that learn a lil more of
Paati’s samaiyal, amma’s secrets and a lil bit of Baking shaking…???!!!
(Wonder why ‘not’?!…It’s in my blood…my grandad’s won and lost in this

And let me put an end to this with a small note…“I can’t do it”, never accomplished anything, “I will try”, has worked wonders. Dreams are essential to life, and if u do not have dreams, u will never achieve. So ….its high time I got some good sleep!!!…:-)

“There are people who put their dreams in a little box and say, "Yes, I've got dreams, of course I've got dreams." Then they put the box away and bring it out once in a while to look in it, And yep, they're still there. These are great dreams, but they never even get out of the box. It takes an uncommon amount of guts to put your dreams on the line, to hold them up and say, "How good or how bad am I?" That's where courage comes in."
- Thanks to the verses of Erma Bombeck,

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

At times its good !!!

At times its good to just walk with the wind and just enjoy it...
At times its good to realize we cant share a bond with every other human in this universe...
At times its good to cherish a few relations for a lifetime...
At times its good not to find names for a few relationships...
At times its good not to analyze things too much...
At times its good not to let someone else hurt you...
At times its good to leave things behind and keep moving...

No matter what... Life keeps moving...

Yippieee... That was my own compilation... I really really really loved it... My first blog which took just a minute to flow down...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Pleasant Surprises!!!

Life many a times has been very good to me… Today was laden with too many sweet surprises…A row of them... all at one stretch…

Surprise1: Listening to the whimpers of “P’s” new-born over the fone…the chweet little voice was so refreshing… (This cutie would always be sound asleep whenever I called her up…)
Surprise2: The appreciation mail - for a job well done… (Was it my mail box??? Was the mail addressed to me??!! Yessss it was...)
Surprise3: A mail from “V” after 4 long months… (Where on earth were you all this while!!!?)
Surprise4: Long awaited call from “my bestest” buddy… (I just couldn’t believe as the number flashed on my cell)
Surprise5: “M” was there… right down at my office-reception waiting for ME… (I had to believe this time…Gosh…we were meeting after 18 long months)
Surprise6: The quick stroll and a couple of hours of sweet little nothing chit-chats, bhak-bhaks, haal-chaals and staring into each other’s face with longer moments of silence … (Good or bad...some things have never changed & we are still the same)
Surprise7: A gift neatly signed addressing this dear friend … (A treasure I would cherish for life…just for the signature it carries…)
Surprise8: The online-buzz from yet another good buddy as soon I logged in… (I have never seen this person online at this hour)
Surprise9: This one was really sweet…yes my favorite “Rasgollaas” right from Bengal… (Thanks to a friend who had returned from home)
Surprise10: A thought-provoking SMS from my dear-concerned-dad!!! (He always preferred to call up than typing things out...didn't he ???)

What else is in store for me today???!!!
I really really really don’t want this day to end!!!

Monday, February 07, 2005


The color of SUCCESS & KNOWLEDGE .....

WHATTA movie....One real good movie.... really really awesome movie I have watched in the recent times...Kudos to Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Amitabh, Rani & the entire team. Its worth a mention in my blogs....


"Life is an icecream - Have it before it melts"